Project Description
Southbrook Farm
Project Description
Presently, Platinum Energy’s main focus is the Southbrook Farm project, which has a consented operational life of 25 years.
The project has been awarded the status of a ‘Development of National Significance’ by the Welsh Assembly, recognising it as being of of national significance and importance.
The project is planned to provide back-up power to the National Grid during times of peak demand and it is a necessary reinforcement measure to ensure long term sustainable local and regional power distribution and support the wider National Grid in times of regional and national emergency.
It also acts as an integral reinforcement facility to the adjacent electricity substation and therefore the local community and local businesses by providing stand-by power generation. This will ensure that local residences and business continue to benefit from a continuous supply of energy.
The development site was chosen as it has sufficient distance to the nearest residential receptors, heritage receptors, was close to existing electrical infrastructure within the landscape, making best use of existing natural landscaping (field boundaries). The site is also within close proximity to the Sudbrook substation point of connection and it adjoins an existing energy generation facility (Sudbrook Solar Farm).